Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Pastors Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr. of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, TX and Wade Burleson of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Enid, OK will be hosting a special gathering of Pastors and Christian leaders at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, TX Tuesday, December 5, 2006 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  The roundtable is designed to discuss and draw conclusions on contemporary issues in Baptist life. There will be free lunch provided for all roundtable participants who make reservations. Please RSVP for the lunch before December 1, 2006.

During the roundtable we will discuss issues and discover likeminded Baptist pastors and leaders who are willing to take a stand and explore fellowship opportunities for Baptists who are committed to unity while recognizing our diversity and committed to diversity within our unity. We are labeling this gathering the Sandy Creek-Charlestonian Roundtable.

Topics to be covered at the roundtable are as follows:

  1. Announce the dates, time, place, speakers, and topics for the Baptist Conference on the Holy Spirit.
  2. Explore the formation of a Sandy Creek – Charlestonian Baptist Conference and Fellowship open to ALL Baptists and Evangelical church leaders. Announce a possible fellowship gathering to be held at the SBC Conference in San Antonio, TX. The focus of this fellowship, if formed, will be exaltation, edification, evangelism, church planting, church renewal and revitalization, theological dialogue, mentoring, and cross cultural fellowship. It will be a place where diverse Baptist viewpoints will be welcome within the parameters of the inerrancy of Scripture and the essential doctrines of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
  3. Discuss and dialogue how the SBC can return to her historic openness to all Baptists and address contemporary issues in Baptist life, identify solutions, and develop action plans.

 If any one or more of the above discussion items are of interest to you, we strongly encourage you to attend this roundtable discussion.

*You can RSVP to the roundtable discussion by clicking on the link to Cornerstone Baptist Church’s website.