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23 Responses to “About”

  1. Lester Yeakley Says:

    Brother McKissic,

    I am a member in good standing of the First Baptist Church, Lexington, TX, an ordained deacon (currently inactive) and a Bible teacher. On Wednesday evenings I am currently teaching through 1st Corinthians . It has been saddening for me to read about the antics going on in my own Southern Baptist Convention about the private use of “spiritual gifts”. It seems to me that this whole public debate has come about because of a general misunderstanding of what “spiritual gifts” are all about.

    I have some input that I would like to send to the SWBTS trustees and Dr. Page Patterson. I would also like to send it to the IMB trustees, to Dr. Jerry Rankin and to Dr. Frank Page for consideration. I am, however, having trouble finding names and email addresses. Can you send me a list with addresses or tell me where to find it. The IMB has not answered my request. Thanks.

    In Christ,

  2. Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr. Says:

    Hi Lester,

    First of all, please forgive me for taking so long to respond. Secondly, I would be glad to help in any way that I can. If you send me a way to contact you personally I will share with you what information I have and try to direct you to the information I don’t.

    In His Name,

    Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr.

  3. Susan Tantioco ABBOTT Says:

    Dear Pastor McKissic: You were featured in one of the delayed broadcast of Daystar promoting the Baptist Conference on the Holy Spirit. My husband and I both ministers of the Gospel here in athe Philippines and we are so happy that you are going in this direction. We commit to praying for you, the conference and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all who will attend the conference. God Bless You.

  4. Susan thank you for your encouragement and prayers. They are very much needed. We will be praying on behalf of you and your husband as well. God Bless.

  5. Dear Brother,
    Thank you so much for having the courage and the convictions to stand for the PLAIN understanding about the teaching of 1 COR.14 and what Paul clearly terms as “praying in the spirit”. I am amazed at the various “whacky” interpretations one can find, especially in some of the newer “study Bibles”. I am so disheartened that our Baptist entities will clearly forbid what God’s Word says CLEARLy to NOT forbid! Amazing. If possible, I’ll try to be with you at your conference. Please send me more information about how to attend. God bless and keep up HIS work!

  6. Jonathan McLain Says:

    I just read about your problems as trustee of Southwestern Baptist Seminary. I wanted to encourage you to fight the good fight. Keep looking to God for your strength. YOu are facing some trying and hard times. You are not going through the fire alone. Our diversity as baptist is what makes us strong. We need to remember that in these last days. We have got to be strong in the task of fulfilling the great commission and winning this lost and dying world to Christ. Be encouraged today my brother. You are not alone.

    Jonathan McLain
    No relation to the other SWBTS guy

  7. Judith Says:

    Pastor stand firm in Christ Jesus.
    Remember Azuza Street and all the great revivals where they prayed in the HOLY SPIRIT.
    God will prevail and religion will not.
    God wants those who are in love with His son Jesus the Christ and not a denomination.
    In Christ

  8. JR Shep Says:

    I believe I saw you on a TV show about Gay Republicans. What I was most shocked by was how incredibly FAT you are. WOW! You must eat a ton of hamburgers using that money that you steal from the parish coffers. Nothing better than a fat black man discriminating against a minority group. Perhaps if he were still a slave he’d have a different opinion of who should and who shouldn’t be given rights to enjoy life and all those hamburgers.

    1. John rogers Says:

      Dude if you have nothing nice to say well you know the rest…..

  9. First of all I greet you in Jesus name. I visited your website and be pleased with it. Now if it can be possible we can have a Partnership with you. This will be a blessing to our Nations and even to you. I hope that the Holy spirit will explain more to you as you continue to think about it. God bless you.Any Question concerning this please contact me. Pastor Ruramutswa john from Rwanda kigali. Phon. +250 08739653 Grneral secretary Birori clement phon. +25008453840

  10. Perfect piece of work you have done, this web site is really cool with good info .

  11. Bernard Cousin Says:

    Pastor McKissic,

    I guided a worked entitled “The Messianic Geneology of Jesus Christ.” I would like your assistance in getting it published.

    By Faith the Just Lives

    Pastor Bernard Cousin

  12. Louis Barreto Says:

    If I can be of any assitance, please let me know as you have a friend.

  13. I saw your comments on the Mormon faith and their history with african americans at the SBC meeting on june 20, 2012. You are right… the LDS church still has and makes strong racist statements. I am a pastor in Utah and see this everyday and the mormon church has been something that has been on my heart for the past 7 years.

    I would love to help you in any way I can to bring this issue and other issues about the LDS faith front and center to the SBC. If you would like to email me and talk about these issues please do. thank you and God bless

  14. McKissic Is Damned Says:

    Listen up boy, you leave us Mormons and our sacred texts alone. They are NOT of your concern. Why don’t you mind the business of your own wicked denomination? Enjoy the delights of hell you heretical demon.

    1. John rogers Says:

      If you have nothing productive to say then it be best to say nothing at alk

  15. Ryan Says:

    How delightfully ironic that this man McKissic, who wants to base the laws of this country concerning the rights of homosexuals to marry on religious texts, is spending so much time denouncing another religion’s texts (Mormonism) concerning race. In all fairness, if you follow this man’s philosophy, then it is equally justifiable to base laws off of Mormon teachings. Also if one would make a law banning gay marriage from one interpretation of scripture, then it is is just as logical to make legislation re-enacting slavery, because as this man clearly knows, the Bible does condone slavery. What a hypocrite this man is. Mr. McKissic I highly suggest you study up on scientific research and maybe take a college level logic class or two, before ever opening your big ignorant mouth on this subject again. Let me quote scripture, just so you get an idea of how I regard you and you supposed “reason”, Proverbs 14:7 “Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge”… you sir are a foolish man.

  16. Ryan Says:

    How delightfully ironic that this man McKissic, who wants to base the laws of this country concerning the rights of homosexuals to marry on religious texts, is spending so much time denouncing another religion’s texts (Mormonism) concerning race. In all fairness, if you follow this man’s philosophy, then it is equally justifiable to base laws off of Mormon teachings. Also if one would make a law banning gay marriage from one interpretation of scripture, then it is is just as logical to make legislation re-enacting slavery, because as this man clearly knows, the Bible does condone slavery. What a hypocrite this man is. Mr. McKissic I highly suggest you study up on scientific research and maybe take a college level logic class or two, before ever opening your big ignorant mouth on this subject again. Let me quote scripture, just so you get an idea of how I regard you and your supposed “reason”, Proverbs 14:7 “Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge”… you sir are a foolish man.

  17. Ethel Says:

    Rev. McKissic, With all due respect, I’m so disappointed in your response to this election that I read on Yahoo. I cannot believe that because President Obama wants to treat another group with the same rights as others, you have written him off as ungodly, or immoral? Why is he perceived, by you, to be so immoral? You say Mr. Obama betrayed the Bible and the Black church!!! Sir, you have to be joking! I do not understand homosexuality; however, I do not want to treat another human being any less than I would want to be treated. There was a time that the majority group would validate why Blacks should be kept slaves, and some today still believe in what the bible says. Remember “slaves obey your master”, does that mean that Black people should be in chains still? Shouldn’t you be more concerned on how we treat our fellowman, and leave judgment to God? So many of our Black people lost their lives fighting for the right to vote, and you have the temerity to say you will “go fishing”! What kind of leader of a flock are you? This election is probably one of the most important elections that we are facing in this nation in decades. We have Romney that would like to take Blacks backward and time, and you want to sit on your hands. Sir, we must think of the young people who folow us. We cannot be so selfish, and myopic to just blow this election off because of our own biases. Do not allow the bloodshed of our ancestors, and those of some of the majority group who have fought for the rights of all people to vote. Perhaps we should all try to remember what it says in your bible 1 Corinthians 13:13 And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

  18. Rev. McKissic,

    I work in a regional office of a national campus ministry. I would like to make a request of you regarding your book, “Blacks in the Bible.”. Can you please email me at so we can begin a conversation? I hope to hear from you soon.

    Rev. Belkis Lehmann
    Great Lakes Chi Alpha Campus Minitries

  19. Joe blow Says:

    I know you are sports fan. Please write a blog about the media making it a milestone for athletes to make an announcement about being gay.

  20. Beth Foster Says:

    I have read your post from 12/24 regarding Russell Moore. It is compelling stuff, and I think it is very on point–the attitudes from the majority of my brethren regarding Trump and the ties of religion (Christianity) to politics (conservatism) have caused me to leave the faith, and the church and to seek God via the Holy Spirit’s leadings in other ways. I am exploring other denominations after having been IBC and SBC my entire life. Unfortunately, one thing glared at me out of the whole thing: The part where you put your healthcare, and your pension above your principles. You denounce and rail all day long, but if the idea of losing those things you hold dear (that many individuals don’t even have to begin with) causes you to step down and hold back, that is an issue. It speaks to the real problem with conservatives and it’s the real heart of the matter. The attitude of “when it comes to me and mine…well, that comes first”–which is NOT of Christ, who’s attitudes were exactly the opposite. We are called to be bold. We are called to leave all personal possessions aside and follow Him. If you were called by Christ to walk away from your financial security blanket, then by your faith in Christ you will have your needs met. Don’t be a sell out. It dilutes your message.

  21. Rog Says:

    Pastor Mac. I recently came across a scathing article that you wrote back in 2015 regarding some events that occurred and statements that were made at and by the American Baptist College. I am recently engaged in some study that originates with the ABC and am wondering if you would give a more current position on the general value and theological soundness of that university? I have only taken one class (very basic) and found it to be encouraging and helpful. Again, I am very new to this community (National Baptist Convention) and would love to her your encouragements and/or concerns. Thanks so much!

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